Scientifically Proven
The Star Room™ concept is founded on more than 45 years of research in treating sensory processing conditions.
The Star Room is a calming, therapeutic environment in the school created for children with autism and other issues, such as attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, that present challenges related to sensory processing and over-stimulation. These disorders can produce high levels of anxiety and stress, which can interrupt learning and lead to disruptive behavior.
A student experiencing such feelings can check into the supervised Star Room, choose an appropriate tool or technique to help “de-escalate,” spend some time winding down, then return to the classroom ready to learn.
This purposeful sensory space isn’t used as a means of discipline or reward, but solely to provide an appropriate, calming environment for students who need to de-escalate.
The Star Room creates an environment complete with furnishings and products to calm four of the senses: SIGHT, HEARING, SMELL, and TOUCH.
SightResearch has shown that different colors have different effects psychologically, emotionally and even physically.Working with Sherwin-Williams, LAAF created a palette of six visually soothing colors that help promote a calming sensation. The pallette colors are produced in Sherwin-Williams’ Harmony Zero VOC Interior Latex Paint.Most of the colors are shades of blue, which is said to lower blood pressure and slow respiration and heart rate, the key to its calming, relaxing and serene effect. Darker blues were avoided, as they have been linked to evoking feelings of sadness.The lighting in the Star Room uses low-intensity LED lights, which don’t strobe like fluorescents
HearingSince The Star Room™ may at times have a high concentration of people, the tranquil space is a refuge from electronics. To muffle conversation and general ambient noise that may seep into the room, the space incorporates water features to provide soothing white noise, producing a signal with a flat frequency spectrum that blocks other sounds.
SmellBringing certain smells into a designed space can immediately impact mood. Designer Valerie Trent cites research that connects smell and memory. “People can often recall aromas from childhood or a distinctive odor they’ve only smelled once. Whatever your particular nose prefers, smells do enhance comfort and happiness.” The appropriate aroma is especially effective in achieving comfort in sensory rooms. The Star Room features high quality air filtering where available, and is optimally positioned far from the school cafeteria.
TouchBecause touch evokes different feelings and can affect the overall impact of a room, a lot of thought went into furnishings for The Star Room™, how they feel and the tactile sensations they produce. Such products include soft carpet, smooth leather and raised embroidery.For instance, LAAF teamed with Mohawk Industries to use their SmartStrand Silk carpet. Mohawk was selected because all their carpets go through CRI Green Label Plus testing to evaluate the level of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Carpets approved for the program also meet requirements for the “Collaborative for High Performance Schools.” The testing is carried out in the Underwriter’s Laboratory in Marietta, Ga. SmartStrand Silk’s green label plus ID certificate is GLP1257.
More Than Just a Room
And because the attitudes and skills of those caring for children with ASD can determine the success or failure of the student in the general education classroom, LAAF also offers ongoing autism education for teachers, paraprofessionals, parents and staff.
In addition to The Star Room itself, the program provides additional components, including autism-specific products for use in general education classrooms.